
ICP-Led Publications + Resources

The Institute for Climate and Peace creates research-based publications to inform and educate our communities on evolving climate impacts and efforts to build peace.

  • Security

    Climate, Peace, and Security in the Pacific-Asia Region

    This white paper explores the link between climate change, environmental security threats, and positive peacebuilding in the Pacific-Asia region. The research examines six environmental security threats that exacerbate environmental degradation, human insecurity, and conflict. The publication proposes specific and regional examples that deconstruct environmental security threats by centering positive peace, uplifting important patterns that demonstrate how just, peaceful, and sustainable long-term climate change solutions can fundamentally occur. 

    By Katherine Waters

    May 16, 2023

  • Women

    The Significance of Women and Mother-Led Social Change in the Pacific-Asia Region

    This white paper reviews and analyzes the significance of channeling the inherent power, wisdom, ingenuity, and leadership of women and mothers in the Pacific-Asia Region to better advance climate action and build positive peace. By energizing women-led efforts, maternal activism, multigenerational relationships, grassroots organizing, community-centered approaches, multilateral dialogue, culturally-responsive practices, and restorative healing, we can ensure that the futures we are walking into are intentionally just, inclusive, sustainable, and peaceful. 

    By Healani Goo

    October 10, 2022

  • Migration

    Resident of Hawaiʻi’s Climate Decisions to Remain or Retreat

    The research publication examines the social and psychological factors underlying the decisions of coastal residents in Hawaiʻi to consider migration in response to increasing climate-related threats. Of the data collected, seven main themes showed across the majority of the interviews: rootedness, safety and security, uncertainty and fear, first hand observation of changes, solastalgia, distrust and resentment, and legacy.

    By Bella Pucker

    March 15, 2023

  • Multigenerational

    What if we nurtured and cared for Earth the way we do our children?

    Climate work is not about diluted commitments coldly discussed in a boardroom. It is about knowing and feeling all that is at stake — like parenthood.

    This column is part of an opinion piece written by members of ICP’s senior leadership. A condensed format was published on Earth Day 2022 in USA Today.

    By Maya Soetoro, Kealoha Fox, and Zelda Keller

    April 22, 2022